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Curtain Up! An adventure in Theatre

This two-week program focuses on the actor’s techniques and skills needed to perform on stage! Each day will be filled with theater games and improv exercises, ensemble building/teamwork activities, and vocal techniques. You will audition for parts, memorize lines, learn stage movement, and rehearse each day. The program will culminate in a full performance of a play with sound, costumes, props, and sets. There may be opportunities for singing, dancing, stage combat, and other individual talents you have depending on the needs of the project.

“Curtain Up” has something for everyone.  If you’re new to acting or an old pro, we welcome you!  The performance will be inclusive of all levels of experience and talents. This is an exciting two-week program for enthusiastic and motivated actors.

Students will be asked to send in a video of themselves doing a 1 minute monologue and sing 16 bars of a song using vocal projection for the stage. Instructions for submitting the video will be sent closer to the start of the program.  

Instructors will work with your child at their level. Your child will improve and learn new skills, whether they are a beginner or have been acting and performing for years.  They do, however, need to be willing to project their voices and act onstage.

Although this is an open admission program, students will have casting auditions after working with faculty. 

  • Water bottle (very important)
  • Comfortable clothes you can move in
  • Dark legwear (black leggings, black pants and/or long jeans)
  • Tank tops/undershirts to wear underneath as needed (and for modest quick changes)

This is an anticipated list of items needed for this theatre workshop. You may be required to bring additional items pertaining to the specific production. We will communicate with enrolled students on those needs prior to the program.

Dimyana Pelev, native of Bulgaria, is an energetic artist who has been practicing her theatrical skills for 19 years.

An award winning actress and singer, Pelev has also worn the hats of designer, writer, lyricist and most prominently director, choreographer and movement coordinator. For 14 years Pelev has served as resident choreographer for Stars of Tomorrow Children’s Theater, a company devoted to producing quality theater and an exceptional learning experience for youth. In addition to teaching youth, Pelev has co-created an advanced acting program specifically for teens and just recently directed a fourth annual showcase. Some of Pelev’s credits include work with puppetry, masks, stage combat and ensemble music. Pelev annually directs and choreographs for Kimberly Juniors Etiquette Academy, leading 100+ high-school girls in a musical spectacular. Pelev is currently teaching visual and performance art at Packinghouse Christian Academy and a variety of Musical Theater classes at Idyllwild Arts Academy and the University of Redlands. Pelev has had the pleasure of choreographing and directing for prestigious theatrical companies all over Southern California in addition to teaching ballet, tap and jazz for several years. Pelev has studied at LAMDA, New London Theatre, and holds a B.A. in Theatre Arts with an emphasis on directing and children’s theater from the University of Redlands and her M.A. in Theater Directing from Regent University.

10 – 13

July 2 – July 15, 2023
Two week session

Student Performance
Date, time, and location TBD

Tuition, Room and Board

Day Student Tuition

Lab Fee

Health & Safety Fee

Enrollment Capacity
14 students
Total capacity includes Day and Residential Students

Dimyana Pelev

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