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Digital & 2D Painting Intensive

This workshop is for artists who are interested in learning both traditional (2D) painting techniques, as well as the newer techniques and software used for digital painting. Students will learn the fundamentals of painting in two daily sessions (morning and afternoon) that each focus on digital or traditional media. Students will be introduced to digital art, where they will explore foundational skills for future work in illustration, animation, or video games. Students will use Adobe Photoshop and learn industry-standard illustration tools while studying the fundamentals of painting, lighting, composition, and color in a digital medium. They will apply these fundamentals to creating characters, props, and environments. Students will also learn realism and understand how to communicate their unique style in digital art.

In the other daily session, students will expand on their use of acrylic, watercolors and other traditional painting media. Different exercises and prompts will allow students to gain confidence in their painting skill, both inside and out of the studio, where they will explore color mixing, figure drawing, and plein air.

This unique blend of traditional media and digital art is meant to appeal to the artist who is looking to improve and expand their painting skill sets. Experience with drawing and painting is recommended, but not required.

Our Visual Arts classes do not require any type of assessment or portfolio to get into the program. Instructors will work with your child at the level that they are at. Your child will improve and learn new skills whether they are a beginner or have been an artist for years.

  • One Bristol vellum pad (24” x 18”)
  • One newsprint pad (24” x 18”)
  • Any brushes you prefer 
  • Old clothing or an apron to use during class time
  • Water Bottle

Age: 14 – 17

July 2 – July 15, 2023
Two week Session

Student Exhibition
Friday, July 14 at 6pm
Location TBD

Tuition, room and board

Day Student tuition

Lab Fee

Health & Safety Fee

Enrollment Capacity
32 Students
Total Capacity includes Residential and Day Students. Classes are split into 2 groups of 16. 

Keely Mikkelsen, Digital Painting
TBD, Traditional Drawing & Painting

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