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Digital Photography

Learn all the fundamental techniques of photography from camera handling to the finished print. Introduction to the camera includes exposure calculations, image control, and learning to see. Shooting assignments are followed by extensive work in post-production techniques to enhance your images for quality printing and viewing. You will explore visual concepts in photography, such as the frame, composition, light, time and the moment. Explore ways of interpreting the world through photographs so your images reflect what you feel and see. Explore the aesthetics of photography through slides, books, discussions and extensive individual and group critiques and workshop assignments. This week is designed to enhance technical knowledge and to clarify your goals as a photographer, enabling you to develop a new sense of direction and purpose. Find out how to combine your creative mind with technical skills to expand your photographic vision. “You don’t take a photograph, you make it.” – Ansel Adams

Our Visual Arts classes do not require any type of assessment or portfolio to get into the program. Instructors will work with your child at the level that they are at. Your child will improve and learn new skills whether they are a beginner or have been an artist for years.

For this program, Plan to bring a 35mm digital camera and additional lens (fixed 35mm or 50mm would be best), two camera batteries plus chargers, two or more 4 GB media cards, and a tripod (optional).

14 – 17

July 9 – July 15, 2023
One week Session

Student Exhibition
Date, Time and location TBD

Tuition, room and board

Day Student tuition

Lab Fee

Health & Safety Fee

Enrollment Capacity
8 Students
Total Capacity includes Residential and Day Students

Shaunna Lehr

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