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Andrew Moss
College Counseling, Dorm Parent, MacNeal
Director of College Counseling

Andrew’s work has been see on stages around the world. Such houses include: The Metropolitan Opera, Edinburgh Theatre Festival, Kilden Teater (Kristiansan, NOR), The Chan Centre (Vancouver,CAN), Boston Lyric Opera. In NYC at New World Stages, Bleecker Street Theater, The Theater for a New City, Cap21, Theater54, 3LD, WorkShop Theatre, and Dicapo Opera Theatre as well as at numerous regional opera and theater companies around the US.

As the Resident Fight Director for Central City Opera, Andrew staged numerous productions between 2008 & 2014, while also serving as the Stage Combat Instructor for The Bonfils-Stanton Foundation Artists Training Program. Highlights include: Carmen, Dead Man Walking, West Side Story, Oklahoma, Gianni Schicchi, and Seven Deadly Sins

Andrew has been a Guest Artist/Instructor at the University of Oklahoma, Boston University, New England Conservatory, Hofstra University, School of Visual Arts (NYC), Oklahoma City University, CAP21, and NYU (Tisch, Stonestreet).

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