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Gloria Magnolia Jurado
Academics, World Languages
World Languages and EAC Department Chair & Faculty

Gloria Magnolia Jurado has worked as an Instructor of ESL, Bilingual Education, Spanish Language, Literature, and Culture since 2009. Magnolia came to Idyllwild after teaching nine years at Eastern New Mexico University and before that, four years at New Mexico State University.  Magnolia holds two BAs from Eastern New Mexico University in Spanish and Criminal Justice. She has two MAs from New Mexico State University in Criminal Justice and Hispanic Literature. Magnolia is currently a Doctoral candidate in Hispanic Literature at Texas Tech University and is preparing to defend her dissertation titled Literary Crime and Victimization: An Analysis of the Ecology of Crime, Rational Choice, and Routine Activity Theories in Border Crime Novels.  Magnolia has been Director and instructor of the ENMU Study Abroad Program in Málaga, Spain and Director of the ENMU Annual Festival Románico.  Her academic interests include curriculum design, collaborative learning, Latin America Literature, Peninsular Literature, Colonial Literature and Hispanic Writers in the USA.  She has also presented papers at various conferences in the US and around the word, including Spain, Ecuador, México and Costa Rica.

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