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Focus on the Face

porcelain artwork

This ceramic sculpture workshop will be chock-full of useful information on coil-building a life-size head with partial shoulders to mount on to a wall. The focus will be on rendering the face, giving special attention to the anatomy of the features. We will look at how underlying musculature, volume and planes of the face tie into one another, and how making subtle changes can add youthfulness, age and character to the piece. Playing with the angle of how the head is positioned on the wall will add different perspectives to the overall impact. The addition of texture, spring-molded forms and other sculptural elements will add another rich narrative layer.

The instructor will demonstrate building techniques and cover simple anatomy, problem solving solutions and creative ways to create evocative sculptures. Wall-hanging techniques will be discussed. Time-lapse video and slide presentations will convey large amounts of information in a condensed format, and will be enriched by live demonstrations addressing key details and participants’ needs.

Adrian Clark Arleo has a 40 year career as a full-time studio artist, living near Missoula, Montana. She holds a BA in art and anthropology from Pitzer College and an MFA from the Rhode Island School of Design. Adrian has participated in a number of residencies, nationally and internationally, and her work can be found in numerous public and private collections, as well as published pieces. She has received awards from the Virginia A. Groot Foundation and Montana Arts Council (individual fellowship). Adrian has taught widely and especially enjoys sharing unique techniques on figurative ceramic sculpture.
Instagram: @adrianarleo


Faculty: Adrian Arleo

Dates: June 11-17, 2023

Tuition: $940

Tuition, room and board: $1,966

Lab Fee: $85, includes clay, firing, and shared supplies; you will be asked to bring additional materials.

Skill Level: Beginning to advanced (basic ceramic skills required)

Enrollment limited to 10 students

Course Description:
Ceramic sculpture workshop on coil-building a life-size head which will become a wall bust. The focus will be on rendering the face, giving special attention to the anatomy of the features, with additional elements of texture and sprig-molded forms.

porcelain artwork
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