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Intro to Visual Storytelling

Are you the next great filmmaker? Filmmaking is a powerful but challenging art form because it takes a team to make it happen. How do you tell your story, organize your shoot, manage your technology, and work with others? In this workshop, you will create and collaborate with your peers, using teamwork to get the job done. The program is ideal for the beginner or the experienced student.

We meet you at your level and find new ways to push your skills forward. Your filmmaking team will create, plan and storyboard your own short films. Everyone will perform all acting and film crew roles, so you can experience the full process, both in front of and behind the camera. You will learn camera angles, directing and introductory editing, and get hands-on experience with digital cameras and editing in iMovie. This summer film camp culminates with a screening of your work.

Intro to Visual Storytelling does not require any type of assessment or portfolio to get into the program. Instructors will work with your child at the level that they are at. Your child will improve and learn new skills whether they are a beginner or have been an artist for years.

  • Closed-toe shoes
  • Comfortable work clothes
  • Reusable water bottle
  • Sunscreen
  • Notepad and pens/pencils and/or a laptop
  • Rain jacket/poncho
  • Good set of enclosed-ear headphones (optional)
  • PC or Mac laptop with screenwriting software (optional)
  • External hard drive (optional)
  • Digital camera and/or a phone with a camera (optional)

In addition please bring:

  • An open mind
  • A healthy dose of courage
  • A can-do attitude

On any given day, film campers will be exposed to foundational film techniques, basic equipment instruction on DSLRs, practical lab work as well as actual filmmaking crew experience. All of this rigorous learning is balanced with time for campers to enjoy being at camp, making new friends and experiencing the mountainous majesty and natural beauty of Idyllwild.

10 – 13

July 16 – July 29, 2023
Two week session

Date, time, and location TBD

Tuition, Room and Board

Day Student Tuition

Lab Fee

Health & Safety Fee

Enrollment Capacity
12 students
Total capacity includes Day and Residential Students

Isaac Webb

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