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Magic of Art

girl doing crafts on the ground outside with friends

Imagine, play, create and discover your own magic as you explore techniques and materials from across the world of art! Create tree houses from found wood, explore the world through the lens of a digital camera, and learn to capture still life on canvas using acrylics. Discover how to express yourself in everyday objects by batiking shirts and skirts using natural dyes, and creating sculptures from stained glass, beads, found objects, bendable aluminum, wood, and thick wire. Explore the mysteries of mask-making using papier maché. Learn the many processes of printmaking, from wood-cut block mono prints to collagraphs (collage and printmaking combined). Use your imagination to create wall-sized murals. Discover how to use your imagination to turn your life into art!

Our Visual Arts classes do not require any type of assessment or portfolio to get into the program. Instructors will work with your child at the level that they are at. Your child will improve and learn new skills whether they are a beginner or have been an artist for years.

10 – 13

July 23 – July 29, 2023
One week session

Student Reading
Date, time, and location TBD

Tuition, Room and Board

Day Student Tuition

Lab Fee

Health & Safety Fee

Enrollment Capacity
18 students
Total capacity includes Day and Residential Students


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