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Summer mathLAB (Online)

Summer mathLAB (Online)

The Idyllwild Arts mathLAB helps you supplement your math and problem-solving skills and advance to the next level. Whether you need help with foundational skills to succeed in Algebra 1, or want to move through our core curriculum at your own pace, mathLAB can help. Working individually and in small groups, mathLAB students will progress at their own pace, guided by teachers who are committed to tailoring education to individual student needs. 

Minimum three  Zoom meetings per week

To Register, Contact Admissions at

  • Good internet connection 
  • Any electronic device that has access to the internet (phone, tablet, computer, iPod, etc.) 
  • Make sure your device is charged before class begins
  • A personal email address for us to send you the zoom links to access the class

If you have never used Zoom, check out this Zoom tutorial.

Reina Meek received a B.S. in Conservation and Resource Studies, Hydrology and Water Resources focus, with a minor in Natural Resource Management from the University of California at Berkeley. She completed an M.A. in Education and Curriculum Design while teaching in Ras Tanura, Saudi Arabia. After graduation from Berkeley, Reina worked as an Environmental Consultant, and as a Field Biology technician for the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Reina holds Secondary Single Subject certifications in Biological Science, Chemistry and Mathematics. She has taught Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Studies and Calculus, among others, over her 16 year teaching career. Currently, Reina chairs both the Math and Science departments at Idyllwild Arts Academy. Her professional development includes a summer internship with J.Craig Venter in La Jolla California, where she participated in biotech research for pollution mitigation. Reina was raised in Southern California, and has hiked and camped extensively in the San Jacinto Mountains, the Sierra Nevada Mountains and the Olympic Peninsula. She remains an avid backpacker, but also enjoys snowboarding, dance, gardening and costuming.

Braden Diotte is a multi-instrumentalist who has toured as a member of the legendary German krautrock band Faust, the progressive pop band Pinback, the psychrock band Tarantula Hawk, has collaborated with members of avant-metal band Neurosis and experimental punk band The Locust, has performed in large ensemble presentations of Glenn Branca’s Symphony No.13: Hallucination City and Luciano Chessa’s Orchestra of Future Noise Intoners, and has produced albums for one-man industrial doom act Author & Punisher, as well as the international contemporary noise ensemble EXO//ENDO.

He earned his MFA in Experimental Sound Practices from the California Institute of the Arts, holds degrees in Computer Music, Cognitive Science, and Electronic Technology, and is a music department faculty member at Idyllwild Arts Academy in Idyllwild, California.

Age: Entering or current High School students

Flexible Hours: Drop in for one hour per day/ 3 times per week 


  • Four Weeks: $1500
  • Six Weeks: $2,250

Enrollment limited to 30 students. 

Skill Level: Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II

Faculty: Reina Meek & Braden Diotte

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