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Introduction to Paper Marbling

This introduction to the art of marbling will provide you with an understanding of the history, styles, tools and techniques of classical European marbling. We will cover all of the foundational elements of marbling practice, including the acquisition and proper use of many and varied supplies including carrageenan, primer, paints, trays, rakes, combs, and more.  

Pietro will then demonstrate how the marbling process is executed. With helpful tips and tricks on handling paints on the water medium, and on dealing with known and unknown variables, he will show you how to create classical and basic marbling patterns (as well as spontaneous designs) using a diverse array of rakes and combs.

You will have ample time for your own practice and experimentation with personal guidance from Pietro, and will have your own tray, set of paints, rakes, and combs to use. Expect to leave with 15-25 sheets of your own original marbled paper.

Pietro Accardi is a native of Turin, Italy, where he established La Legatoria del Sole, a modern bookbindery steeped in the ancient traditions of paper marbling, restoration and bookbinding. After lengthy service to Turin’s Municipal Archives, Main Public Library, and University Libraries, he is now enjoying his second life as a well-loved book arts teacher at the Center for the Book in San Francisco as well as teaching workshops throughout the West. Pietro and his wife Vanessa founded Accardi Book Arts, a Classical Marbling Studio and Bindery in the Sierra Nevada mountains near Lake Tahoe.


Faculty: Pietro Accardi

Dates: June 23-25, 2023

Skill Level: All levels

Tuition: $490

Tuition, room and board: $930

Lab Fee: $75, includes the use of trays, rakes, combs, drying racks, water bath medium (carrageenan, sodium alginate), alum primer for paper, paints, and as much primed paper as needed in class. You will be asked to bring additional materials.

Enrollment limited to 12 students

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