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Spontaneous Watercolor

Want to have fun painting watercolor with freedom and ease? Get a front row seat and
learn to paint watercolor fast and spontaneously.

This workshop is perfect for you if you:

  • Have no previous watercolor painting instruction,
  • Would like to be able to paint watercolors stress free,
  • Tried watercolor painting and got discouraged,
  • Think that you don’t have any talent and/or
  • Haven’t painted for a while and would like to jump start your practice

This workshop will provide beginning and more advanced instruction designed to save
you months of trial and error frustration. Capitalizing on the spontaneous characteristic of watercolor, a sequence of easy exercises will give you the confidence to continue on your own.

Together, we will:

  • Learn the secrets of spontaneous watercolor painting
  • Have fun painting creative and spontaneous watercolor exercises
  • Paint abstract watercolors for gifts or greeting cards
  • Learn brush techniques for painting people, skies, and landscape subjects
  • Learn simple color theory for mixing color values
  • Learn the four basic ways to paint watercolor
  • Lay a foundation of skills so that you can continue to paint spontaneous watercolors.

Watercolor painting will be explained and demonstrated with hands-on exercises that will delight and fascinate you for years to come. No matter your skill or background, this class will have you painting watercolors and loving it.

Robert Regis Dvorák has been making drawing and painting fun and easy to learn for 35 years. He has sketched and painted in 70 countries including all of Western and Eastern Europe, Russia, Southeast Asia, China, Japan, North Africa, the Middle East and India. He has exhibited and sold work in the USA, Europe, Japan, and China. He has authored and illustrated: Travel Drawing and Painting, The Practice of Drawing as Meditation, Drawing Without Fear, The Magic of Drawing, Experiential Drawing, The Pocket Drawing Book and his latest book of drawings and verses, The Book About Nothing.


Faculty: Robert Dvorak

Dates: 1-day workshop on June 24, 2023 at 9 am

Tuition: $215

Tuition, room and board: $362

Lab Fee: $0
Please bring any watercolors you already own. A detailed materials list will be sent upon enrollment.

Skill Level: All levels

Enrollment limited to 16 students

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